Before you start

Before you start using Literacy that fits watch this short video, we will show you how to check a few things before you log on.

Before You Start Video

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Helpers Access Check List

Before using Units of Sound you should quickly run the access checks. These checks only take a few moments but will help to ensure a more reliable experience.

If any of the checks fail you should resolve the issues before trying to use Units of Sound. Most issues are caused either by not having your headset and microphone plugged in and working or by incorrectly setting Adobe Flash Player.

View a printable version of the checklist:- Printable Access Checklist

This short video should help If you have problems setting up your microphone.

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Setting Flash Player

Once Flash Player is installed, the permissions should be set to allow Units of Sound to use the Microphone. If this is not done a permission request will pop up every time Units of Sound attempts to use the microphone to record.

More information regarding these settings is available from Adobe: Settings

Flash Permission Reqiest

It is preferable to give permission before using Units of Sound. Access and right click (windows), control-click (Macintosh) anywhere within the border of the Units of Sound programme. Then choose ‘settings’ from the displayed menu. Click the second tab to access the privacy settings as shown above and click allow and remember.

Note:- This is a general privacy setting for Flash Player. Units of Sound only accesses the microphone during the Reading lessons. Units of Sound does not access a camera even if one is connected.

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Flash Player Check

Units of Sound requires an up to date version of Adobe Flash.

We suggest downloading and running Units of Sound in the Google Chrome browser, this already has Flash built in:
Google Chrome

For other browsers, Opera, Firefox and Internet Explorer, you can check if this is installed by visiting the following page:
Flash Player

This page will check if you have Flash player installed and help you download and install if it is not.

The Flash player installer can also be downloaded directly from Adobe Flash Player.

For Apple iOs such as iPads there is no direct Flash support, if you need to run on an iPad we suggest Puffin Browser available from the Apple app store: Puffin Browser

The minimum suggested screen size is 10 inches and would recommend the use of an external bluetooth keyboard rather than the on-screen keyboard.

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Microphone check

Control of the Microphone is outside of Units of Sound. Please make sure that your Microphone is enabled and working before using Units of Sound.

Control for the Microphone to mute / unmute and to set the levels can usually be accessed from the bottom right of your screen.

Additional controls are also built into Flash Player which can be accessed by right clicking (Windows), control-click (Macintosh) on Units of Sound and choosing settings. Detailed information regarding this setting is available from Adobe:
Microphone settings

Accessing the Flash Player settings is a quick way to check of the microphone is configured and operating. If the configuration is correct the green bars will move up and down as you talk into the microphone.


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Additional help

When you are inside the Literacy that fits program there video screen tutors to help you get to grips with using the program, the blue Help icon from the Helper area give you additional information.

If you are really stuck and haven’t found the answer, send us a message via the Units of Sound website Contact Us page.

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